Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Bikram Yoga Challenge

BIKRAM YOGA: An hour and a half of intense yoga practice. It's HOT (100 degrees farenheit), it's HARD (as a trained dancer, I still find some of the postures harder than most of the dancing I do professionally) and takes 100% focus and commitment. There is a warm up to open all the joints in the body, a balancing series, a spine stengthening series, and a floor series. Part meditation, part physical challenge, all self enlightenment.

The sign on the toilet door said something like this -- "The Bikram Yoga Challenge: complete 30 consecutive days of bikram practice and get 20% off your next membership card. Change your life and your body." Underneath this slogan were testimonials of how much of a positive impact the challenge has had on various people, and reading them got my brain ticking. I've never wanted to change alot about my life or my body, but I do love a physical challenge and being recently unemployed, I thought that this challenge would give me something to aim for. It would give me a temporary sense of purpose. And this could be the ticket to that six pack stomach that has eluded me all my life. I've yearned for a six pack for as long as I can remember, maybe the bikram challenge was the way to achieving it.

So I started. And for about a week, it exhausted me, but I soon developed stamina and strength, and being unemployed meant I could go home and collapse on my bed after practice. Then I got a new job working in a bridal boutique. Then my family started planning a Christmas trip to Belgium. Then friends started inviting me to Christmas lunches and reunions. Juggle juggle juggle. That's what I did for 30 days. There were so many times that I thought, "shit, I'm really not going to make it to practice today." But I really surprised myself. Every day, I managed to get there. Some days I left work late and barely got to the studio on time, some days I had to arrive to a friend's party late, and some days my mind was in a million little pieces that the last thing I wanted to do was an hour and a half of intense yoga practice. But no matter where my thoughts were, no matter how much my new job made me feel insecure, I returned to my bikram sanctuary every day and felt safe. For an hour and a half I got to surround myself with nothing but positive energy and with people who, like me, wanted to enrich themselves and their lives with goodness and peace. Not that practicing the bikram is that peaceful. Not for me, anyway. I'm drenched with sweat by the end of every class, and am routinely dizzy after certain postures. But I always have an incredible sense of achievement after every session.

I completed the challenge on Dec 26 2007. I didn't change my body, or get a six pack. But my balance, muscle strength, core stability, and flexibility have all improved. I hope that when I go back to ballet class, I'll see and feel the results in my dancing. I didn't change my life, but I reaffirmed something for myself that I've always believed -- if you want something badly enough and work hard enough, it can be yours. I REALLY wanted to complete this challenge. Work, Christmas, parties, holidays, these were all little obstacles that could have kept me from achieving my goal. It would have been so easy to have that extra lie-in instead of doing the 10am practice before a ladies lunch, or to skip the 6:00pm practice because I was too tired from work to run to the train and race to get to the studio. But I didn't want to let myself down, and even though I don't really see or feel a difference, I believe that I have learned more than I realise. Sometimes in life, certain things don't present themselves to you until you're ready to see them. Maybe I'm just not ready to see my six pack!!! Hahaha.

ANYWAY, the point of this long winded note -- believe in the bikram!!! It has brought me peace, stability, happiness, trust, and exhilaration, and I can return to all these every time I step into my bikram sanctuary. I really recommend trying it out. For an hour and a half, your mind and body work as one soul, and it's a spectacular feeling. If you learn patience, strength, commitment, and focus in the bikram studio, you will bring these things into all facets of your life. I wish I could better explain the sensation of stepping into a studio where there is ONLY good and positivity. I've never experienced anything like it before, to feel completely safe, to not be judged, blamed, mocked, it's WONDERFUL. And, ladies, there are some REALLY hot men who practice in my studio, which only makes focusing a greater challenge!!!

Maybe one of your 2008 resolutions could be to do 3 bikram sessions in one week. I really wouldn't have wasted my time writing this if I didn't think it was worth it. Just try it...and let me know what you think. Namaste. :-)

copyright (c) 2010-2011 Celia Mei Rubin