Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Preaching the Shit out of Love

This is not going to be well written; it's almost midnight and I'm a tad hormonal. I just don't understand how it's the year 2013 and America is still discussing whether or not same-sex marriage is kosher (it's Passover, I had to). I don't know the facts and I don't know anything about politics, and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Correct me if I'm wrong: the Declaration of Independence states, "All men are created equal." "Equal" means...well...equal...right? And I just googled the Constitution on Wikipedia and it states that by putting the constitution in place, the American people are to be provided (a) justice, (b) civil peace, (c) common defense, (d) those things of a general welfare that they could not provide themselves, and (e) freedom. A government of "liberty and union, now and forever." "Liberty and union, now and forever" means...well...liberty and union, now and forever, right? RIGHT? Why is America not practicing what it so clearly preaches? WHY?? It's right there, in black and white, no? Am I missing something? Tell me if I am because it's driving me insane (you don't believe me? I'm up writing a blog entry after midnight on a school night). Unless I'm mistaken, taking away someone's right to marry means taking away the same choices that the majority of Americans are allowed to make, which means that there is a lack of that "equal" and "liberty" stuff, which means it goes against the American constitution, so...why the fuck is our government still discussing it?!

You know what really bugs me? These Justices (is that what the're called?) are, I'm assuming, some of the most educated people in America. Why aren't they all like, "why the fuck are we discussing this?" Because I'm definitely not more learned than they, and if I were a Justice and was asked to make a decision about same-sex marriage, I'd be like, "why the fuck are we discussing this they are American human beings which makes them exactly the same as every other American human being so of course they should fucking be allowed to get married I can't believe I had to get out of bed at 5am for this shit just fucking let them live like everyone else and do it now so that I can get the fuck out of this stuffy room and go have a cup of tea." These Justices are supposed to be setting an example for the rest of the country, not faffing about over basic human rights.

I don't even know what the arguments against same-sex marriage are. Is it because it's un-constitutional? Because that idea is just wrong and shouldn't be up for debate. "We the people" includes every single American that walks the Earth. "We the people" is colorblind, class-blind, sex-blind, and so why should it be anything but sexual preference blind, as well?  Is it because it goes against what the bible says is right? So what? So does gluttony, and I practice that daily and no one is debating over my right to be glutinous. And the very notion of freedom declares that we have a right to choose to believe in God and the Bible or not, so how dare anyone have the right to infringe legally on others' beliefs or non-beliefs. Is it because it is a bad example for kids? I mean...do I need to write down examples of kids born into marriages of a mother and father who ended up severely fucked up and/or caused mass destruction and/or committed mass murders? Just as growing up with one mother and one father does not guarantee the healthy mind of a child, growing up with two fathers or two mothers does not guarantee the unhealthy mind of a child. Is it because, if your neighbours happen to be a same-sex couple and they get married, they will cause your family unhappiness? That's bullshit. Junior high "she has braces so we can't let her sit at our lunch table or she'll make us all unpopular" kind of bullshit. First of all, happiness is a choice that comes from within. If you're unhappy, you should work on not being unhappy instead of wasting time judging other people. Second of all, I'm pretty certain that that same-sex couple who just got married down the road are far too obsessed with each other to give a shit about you and your family.

The idea that not everyone in the United States of America in the year 2013 does not have the right to marry the person of their choosing is preposterous and I am ashamed on behalf of the people of this country who do not view it as so. This is not an argument about the bible or who makes who feel uncomfortable or who is gay, straight, into black men, or into Asian chicks. It's about whether the American people agree that every single American has the right to make the same choices as everyone else, regardless of sexual preference. Why are we even discussing this? Why am I writing a blog about it? Because I believe in love and choice and freedom for ALL and showing those kids that I work with on a daily basis that the most important things in any relationship, friendship or otherwise, are love, kindness and mutual respect. With all those things, how can there be anything but happiness? I feel lucky to be the sort of person whose FB feed turned red today. History does change. History is changing. I wish for the generations that come after us to look upon ours and see that we chose unconditional love for each other and in the way we raised our children. So let's fucking make it happen so that I can stop swearing.

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