This year will be the second year that I participate in BROADWAY BARES in support of the wonderful charity, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. I've had 2 rehearsals, and with 3 more rehearsals and a week before showtime, I'm feeling just about ready to bare all!
Last year I was clad in a black S&M outfit. I was wearing both a bra and underwear, which, by BROADWAY BARES standards, is pretty tame. This year, at my first rehearsal, I learned that I would be in a thong and pasties. As we listened to the music and the choreographers talked us through the dance, my first thought was, "wow, that's a long time to be onstage wearing just pasties." As I looked around the room at our predominantly male cast, all of whom are tumblers with perfect bodies, my second thought was, "I really need to be as toned as these guys so I don't look like jello dancing next to them."
I immediately got to work getting into prime shape. I have been having just one tiny serving of dry carbs a day, drinking so much water that I spend alot of time in the bathroom, and have refrained from eating as much chocolate as I usually do at work (I work in a chocolate shop!). I pretty much stick to white meat protein, fruits, and veggies...which sounds simple enough, but I miss cheese, toast, sausages, DOUGHNUTS, crisps, and just about anything else that's not canned tuna, avocado, or fruit, because that's all I've eaten for the past week. Those of you that know my gigantic love of food will know that this has definitely been a challenge!
In addition to eating properly, I'm working out alot more than usual. I'm back to Bikram yoga, running an hour at a time instead of half an hour, and getting in those bum squats! My legs are sore! And my back is sore! And I'm hungry all the time!!!! AND I NEED A MASSAGE! But, it will all be worth it when my kimono comes off (I play a Geisha in my number) and I look FIERCE. Maybe it will inspire you to know that it's only been 5 days, and already I can see results. That is what keeps me going when I walk past the amazing focaccia shop on my way to work and my mouth waters and my stomach begs.
I'm extremely proud of my number, ORIENT AVENUE, choreographed by Lee Wilkin and Stephanie Lang, who are both so generous and inspiring. They've created a beautiful and classy piece. Set in a tea house, our lead stripper is an aerialist who plays a Samurai. I can't wait to see how he's going to strip while in the air! There are 3 Geishas, and we have been hard at work practicing our fan work...I think between the 3 of us, we must have already gone through 2 handfuls of broken fans. We have some amazing male tumblers who play lantern holders (these guys are truly an inspiration, they are so good at what they do) and a lovely handful of beautiful Geisha helpers to complete our cast. Throw in some luxurious kimonos, Swarovski crystals (!!!!!), gorgeous tai chi moves, authentic Japanese music, and the number is going to be stunning. I hope I don't drop my fan!!!
I can't wait to see the piece in its entirety, and also to see the rest of the show this year. Last year I was absolutely amazed at the caliber of the show, and how much selfless effort went into putting on such a spectacle to support those in need. That amazement has not waned this year, and being part of the BARES community to support such a great cause is something I take great pride in. The harsh eating and workout regime is definitely worth it. I hope you will help me to help others by donating to my Strip-a-thon page at -- every little counts!
Anyone interested in seeing BROADWAY BARES XX: STRIP-OPOLY on Sunday June 20th should contact me for $40 tickets! Let's make a difference together!!!
With a bow of the head, and a flick of my fan, I say to you, "Arigato!"
copyright (c) 2010-2011 Celia Mei Rubin
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